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I like the concept of reencounter but not this… The teacher is definitely a victim… t...

sauccyyaoi February 3, 2024 12:53 pm

I like the concept of reencounter but not this…

The teacher is definitely a victim… tbh both of them are but in a different way. The teacher paid for the membership so he obviously thats his own responsibility BUT he didn’t knew that his ‘master’ is a fucking student… bc tbh what kind of a fucking brothel would hire a HIGH SCHOOL student? But with the student guy… tbh he has been groomed because obv he’s a minor and his ‘M’ is his own teacher… bad for the both of them tbh

    sauccyyaoi February 3, 2024 12:54 pm

    I just saw that the brothel was from his uncle… um yep definitely runs in the family…