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I need someone to spoiler everything from chapter 42 onwards to me so I can read without d...

Tamago February 3, 2024 1:28 pm

I need someone to spoiler everything from chapter 42 onwards to me so I can read without dying. Thanks

    Nymierda February 3, 2024 1:36 pm

    Dan works part-time as a food delivery, there meets jaekyung ex from chapter 1 who told him that jk is trash and he's only using, the gym trow a party for jk birthday, jk got drunk and became a softie, he and Dan "made love" and Dan became confused because of it, the next day he gives him his birthday gift and jk yells at him to know his place. Now Dan is heartbroken and the mafia is going for JK

    Tamago February 3, 2024 5:09 pm
    Dan works part-time as a food delivery, there meets jaekyung ex from chapter 1 who told him that jk is trash and he's only using, the gym trow a party for jk birthday, jk got drunk and became a softie, he and D... Nymierda

    Thank youuu