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Spoiler me please :D

Stormborn January 4, 2017 10:24 pm

Has anyone read Ch.4 and can tell me rather or not there was something between Ei and Angelo?? I wanna knoooow :p

    Yecenia January 4, 2017 10:57 pm



    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but yes Ei did have a thing with Angelo...he tells Jin that Angelo seduced him but he never had feelings for him. My poor heart T_T </3

    Flavor1084 January 4, 2017 11:32 pm
    spoilers...........................................................................Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but yes Ei did have a thing with Angelo...he tells Jin that Angelo seduced him but he never ... Yecenia

    ヽ(`Д´)ノ SON OF A BITCH!!!!! GODSH DAMN IT!!!!!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Stormborn January 4, 2017 11:51 pm
    ヽ(`Д´)ノ SON OF A BITCH!!!!! GODSH DAMN IT!!!!!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Flavor1084

    gaaaah, I thought that not, since they didn't act like that at all. But daaaaamn haha I am with you Flavor :D But ooookay, everyone has a history and Ei and Jin weren't a thing back than. Not really at least. And hey, Jin got married. Even worse. But yeah yeah, there is Rio now (he's cute, but I don't need him in the story, don't hate me xD).
    Thanks for telling me/us Yecenia :))

    C Me January 5, 2017 2:00 am
    spoilers...........................................................................Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but yes Ei did have a thing with Angelo...he tells Jin that Angelo seduced him but he never ... Yecenia

    I just knew it from Kuroneko, that something had happened between those two. Damn it is sad because Jin has only loved him, true that he got married and had Rio but that was imposed on him. Guess Jin will have to suffer more now T_T

    Flavor1084 January 5, 2017 2:32 am

    Jin deserves a way better Man than that stupid Jackass!!!!

    Flavor1084 January 5, 2017 2:33 am
    I just knew it from Kuroneko, that something had happened between those two. Damn it is sad because Jin has only loved him, true that he got married and had Rio but that was imposed on him. Guess Jin will have ... C Me

    And this is 1 of the reasons why I DON'T DATE!!!!!

    C Me January 5, 2017 2:37 am
    And this is 1 of the reasons why I DON'T DATE!!!!! Flavor1084

    You and me both, last time I dated I was a freshmen in HS now I'm in College.

    Flavor1084 January 5, 2017 3:20 am
    You and me both, last time I dated I was a freshmen in HS now I'm in College. C Me

    I'm 24 years old and live with my parents for certain reasons. (⌒▽⌒)

    C Me January 5, 2017 4:00 am

    There's this Spanish saying that goes "más vale estar solo que mal acompañado" meaning it's better to be on your own than in bad company xD

    Flavor1084 January 5, 2017 4:21 am
    There's this Spanish saying that goes "más vale estar solo que mal acompañado" meaning it's better to be on your own than in bad company xD C Me

    Words of the Wise (⌒▽⌒)

    Yecenia January 5, 2017 4:58 am
    There's this Spanish saying that goes "más vale estar solo que mal acompañado" meaning it's better to be on your own than in bad company xD C Me

    Very true :)

    Tolly January 5, 2017 5:47 am
    gaaaah, I thought that not, since they didn't act like that at all. But daaaaamn haha I am with you Flavor :D But ooookay, everyone has a history and Ei and Jin weren't a thing back than. Not really at least. A... Stormborn

    I kinda wondered if Jin suspecting (come on he so knew, it was obvious) of Angelo and Ei's relationship helped to convince him that getting married was the best option. Their relationship was/is so ambiguous and full of miscommunication that I don't know what to think anymore. Just when I think they are okay bam, it turns out they aren't.
    Hmm plus Ei did make decisions on his own, decisions concerning Jin according to chapter 4. And it kinda made him look noble when in reality it was just his possessiveness taking place. I know that a lot of people like possessive semes but hmmm

    Kaho January 5, 2017 6:11 am
    I kinda wondered if Jin suspecting (come on he so knew, it was obvious) of Angelo and Ei's relationship helped to convince him that getting married was the best option. Their relationship was/is so ambiguous an... Tolly

    Jin did see Angelo coming out of Ei's room after sex in the middle of night. in chap 4, he even asked Jin. I personally think their relations is unhealthy. Nobody talk to each other.

    Tolly January 5, 2017 6:15 am
    Jin did see Angelo coming out of Ei's room after sex in the middle of night. in chap 4, he even asked Jin. I personally think their relations is unhealthy. Nobody talk to each other. @Kaho

    Yeah, I know, I just wondered why he needed confirmation, maybe he didn't want to believe it or it was just his way of confronting Ei.
    I think this is unhealthy too. They just keep hurting each other.

    Stormborn January 5, 2017 11:34 am

    haha I see it in such a different light. I mean Ei is a grown up man, of course he had someone too - or was he supposed to live like a monk, even though he thought he lost Jin to a marriage - what he did for some time. Jin has always loved Ei? Yes, but Ei always only loved Jin as well. Imagine the one you love getting married right in front of you! I would have run away, left. But Ei stayed all this time. It must have been horrible!
    And I also think they communicate quite alrigth - yeah could be better, but in most manga the communication lacks ^^ But they speak about what's bothering them immediately - like Jin asking Ei about his past straight out or Ei warning Jin about Angelos intentions (& Jin changing the plans to Ei's room).

    Kaho January 5, 2017 3:04 pm

    I don't have any problem with Ei hook up with somebody in the past. I just don't like his character, his action.
    His love for Jun never comes true because he never fight for it. He never confesses, never even try to tell Jun his feeling.
    I think Jun thought Ei dated Angelo or have a thing for him, in high school. He's heartbroken and agreed to marry some woman, just to divorce when she gave birth to a child.
    He even asked Ei to sleep with him one time before his weeding. Who want to have sex with a man before getting married if he's not the one you love.
    I don't think Jun would marry his ex-wife if he know Ei love him back.