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Nan February 4, 2024 12:22 pm

I stopped reading it when it ended in 2021.
My fave character was Minu and... We know what happened to him.
Plus Jay left a race for a girl, yeah, A GIRL. Totally disappointing.
But overall the series is awesome. So... My question is:
Should I keep reading it? Minu has importance in the following plots? Jay stops being a pushover? Action is still the main attraction over drama and romance?
Than you for your help!

    Ugliskuid February 4, 2024 3:51 pm

    nah, romance just the cherry on top in this series imo & the part where jay left the race for The Girl, it's chefkiss I love it haha. tbh I love part 4 the most (the season after the airport with Shelly). minu is as important as ever (he's not biking anymore but he got new role), & jay find a new purpose to win the race. the bike race still as awesome as ever.