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Sorry I wanted to have bad opinion after reading all of it but it turned out to be impossi...

Ohdamit February 4, 2024 5:52 pm

Sorry I wanted to have bad opinion after reading all of it but it turned out to be impossible task. Every thing form setting, relationships to personality of maincharacter is getting on my nerves. I don't mind simplifing some things for reader convince but the reasoning behind why some events happen and how they unfold are plain stupid. A lot of things happen forcefully and just for the sake of progressing plot, and reader is supposed to take it at the face value. Another thing is how romance is done here, I really don't mind reverse harem but the way it's done here is seriously so annoying. All of the leads are instantly in love with her even tho she didn't do anything and her personality is that of a plank. I know it is because of the fantasy aspect but it still make my pressure go up.
