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Ah damn, wasn't expecting that. So Ronan is likely more intrinsically connected to the "st...

Rei February 5, 2024 3:22 am

Ah damn, wasn't expecting that. So Ronan is likely more intrinsically connected to the "starlight" thing than even he knew. He's not just a left behind extra, he's been purposely handicapped so that he won't be able to interfere with the future events. Although that makes me wonder. If it was insidious by nature, then why "sorrow" and why this work-around when they could have outright killed him as a baby? Make it's more of a lock-and-chain sort of business instead? To keep him hidden? A weird way of protecting? Cause it's not like Ronan was extremely weakened by it. He's still OP despite being cursed.

Very interesting. I can't wait to see where the story goes with this mystery.
