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I don't understand this... They made a scene where cain was a dog and meet jooin (his mast...

Toffee February 5, 2024 3:37 pm

I don't understand this... They made a scene where cain was a dog and meet jooin (his master) and the scene where the child yahwi and jooin meet... Its hard to understand the plot especially with all those years had past... I really dunno what to say but as sa CAIN FAN i want him to have a happy ending also... Knowing that cain Left a RING WRITTEN (YOURS TO CLAIM)... It should bhe cain who leave happy to not just the two of them (yahwi and jooin) lastly yahwi was to obsessed with jooin and jooin is kinda think only his self? Cuz he also want to share his story even tho he was the MC... Still love you yahwi
