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reading the novel and this

Azi February 5, 2024 3:56 pm

I'm still on 6 both novel and this but jeez why does the scene here and the happening in the novel was so exaggerated. like how they drawn. the novel so far doesn't look like that but they drawn it exaggeratedly especially the expression and their interaction. from what I see the personality of both mc and seme are different from here. it feel like their aura here is to loud while on novel is just mild like everytime they encounter in this manhua. it feels like they are a bomb which is different from the feelings in the novel. jeez. the reaction and expression both character portraying here is so annoying to see while on the novel they didn't describe it like that and some seen are different from the novel. either they skip some scene or the scene was faster on the novel and change the vibe. I guess I'll drop this coz the expression is too loud and exaggerated that it's annoying to see. can't like their personality here. I'll rate this manhua as 4/10. my imagination on the novel is really different on here. they put too much of tone on their expression and they give it fully and act like spoiled angry kid (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 I guess I'll rather read the novel than this.
