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I thought

plinky25 February 5, 2024 5:19 pm

All of them had their own flaws, none of them were innocent. Though I see some people didn’t like the MC for what he did. But tbh, I didn’t see the MC go out of his way to lead the other guy on. Tony approached him with intentions from the start just cause he was interested, and looking at all their scenes together at most looked like they were hanging out as friends. The only time tony made a move was at the last moment when the MC rejected him. Of course the MC having the intent to use him was bad, but he didn’t actually do much to make it happen. He was harsh when he rejected tony but ngl tony did imply that the ml wasn’t so great and that he could make him happier despite not knowing anything about the ml. MC took that as an insult. They all weren’t the nicest. Tony was also the one trying to push things like make the ml jealous by putting his arm around the mc or closing the curtains.
