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Gomi February 6, 2024 10:17 am

Damn last chapter made me cry.

So sweet, so heartfelt. All the characters are nice and lovable. I'm glad all of them got the closure and happiness they deserved.

I love that the MCs were both flawed yet perfectly thawed in a way that their characters were full of life 'n positivity it'll make you smile along the journey. I love that they are both absolutely smitten towards one another. I love that their communication, despite being faulty for a bit; amplified their love 'n altruistic affirmation towards their relationship as a couple.

The side couple, the MC's bestfriends, they were both supporting 'n sweet, their relationship with the MC is to die for! Such care and trust... sniff.... reminds me of my beloved bestfriends.

The parents. Words cannot describe how relieved 'n giddy I was when it was revealed that both the MCs 'n the side couple's parents were supportive. Qwq euwuwuwuwu....

'n last but not the least. The dialogues. Heart-wrenchingly wonderful in a good way. The stellar writing, although, some people might find way too "sweet" bla bla bla; I adored it all, I ate it all up, gobbled and swallowed and digested wholeheartedly.

100/10 ~ <3

This was such a nice read, so you should read it as well! ⁽⁽◝( •௰• )◜⁾⁾
