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Georgiee February 6, 2024 3:57 pm

Damn, the amount of ppl calling other ppl rape apologist is fr INSANE. This is mf fiction, y'all heated because your bias was not picked. Touch grass fr. Separate fiction from reality.

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 6, 2024 4:12 pm


    SweetToothh February 6, 2024 7:13 pm

    Slay, rape apologist. If you're fine with rape in fiction youre still a fucking rape apologists. You hate it cause it's true.

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 6, 2024 7:33 pm

    Just because we like Yahwi doesn't mean we are "fine" with rape LMAO. We love his development girlie pop

    SweetToothh February 6, 2024 7:46 pm
    Just because we like Yahwi doesn't mean we are "fine" with rape LMAO. We love his development girlie pop Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    If you're fine with this development, your standards are low. It's really whatever, stay toxic all you want but don't get triggered when others call you out. I won't continue arguing with you because that's dumber than talking to a wall. Have a great day

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 6, 2024 7:52 pm

    LMAOO you are silly as hell.. "Low standards" like wtf else is he suppose to do? Mans could get flowers and get on his knees and cry for forgiveness and yall would still call that "low standards" Like bffr leave him alone. Jooin accepted him and that's all that matter because he was the one Yahwi did the things to, not you

    Ariest February 6, 2024 8:09 pm
    Slay, rape apologist. If you're fine with rape in fiction youre still a fucking rape apologists. You hate it cause it's true. SweetToothh

    Oh look the SEXUAL HARASSMENT APOLOGIST is back!
    Nah but fr the funniest thing is that the people throwing around rape apologist all defend Cain's sexual harassment and sexual exploitation of Jooin. Like they're not fr

    Shut up susan February 6, 2024 8:20 pm
    Oh look the SEXUAL HARASSMENT APOLOGIST is back! Nah but fr the funniest thing is that the people throwing around rape apologist all defend Cain's sexual harassment and sexual exploitation of Jooin. Like they'r... Ariest

    Real i don't get cain he asks for permission but does it anyway without jooin's saying a word also gaslighting him that if jooin won't sleep with him means jooin hates him lmao so glad jooin ended cain telling him their relationship is not healthy

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 6, 2024 8:25 pm
    Real i don't get cain he asks for permission but does it anyway without jooin's saying a word also gaslighting him that if jooin won't sleep with him means jooin hates him lmao so glad jooin ended cain telling ... Shut up susan

    Exactly! He had a full on make out session with Jooin while he was unconscious LMAOO. I know Yahwi has done bad but I'm tired of him always getting the hate when he isn't the only one who has taken advantage of Jooin. Ir doesn't matter which one is "worse". Still did it so he has done bad like Yahwi has

    Shut up susan February 6, 2024 8:41 pm
    Exactly! He had a full on make out session with Jooin while he was unconscious LMAOO. I know Yahwi has done bad but I'm tired of him always getting the hate when he isn't the only one who has taken advantage of... Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Honestly yahwi is the most mistakenly judged character here, i mean it sure is his fault why jooin have multiple wet dreams of him before their drunk sex

    Elijah_.3x February 6, 2024 9:05 pm
    Real i don't get cain he asks for permission but does it anyway without jooin's saying a word also gaslighting him that if jooin won't sleep with him means jooin hates him lmao so glad jooin ended cain telling ... Shut up susan

    Bitch learn to fucking read, cain literally said "if you don't want to, push me away" it was no gaslighting, if anything Cain reassured him they can quit it. I don't even care abt Cain but you're just straight up lying you hypocrite Dont tell others they can't read when you're the one who lacks reading comprehension lmfao

    Elijah_.3x February 6, 2024 9:07 pm
    Exactly! He had a full on make out session with Jooin while he was unconscious LMAOO. I know Yahwi has done bad but I'm tired of him always getting the hate when he isn't the only one who has taken advantage of... Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    A rapist is not the same as a sexual harasser just like a murderer is not the same as a guy who beat someone up. Of course it matters who's worse, it's common sense Yall be lacking that tho. Cain stans also lack common sense, but yahwi stans on another level

    Elijah_.3x February 6, 2024 9:09 pm
    Oh look the SEXUAL HARASSMENT APOLOGIST is back! Nah but fr the funniest thing is that the people throwing around rape apologist all defend Cain's sexual harassment and sexual exploitation of Jooin. Like they'r... Ariest

    Homie is making up words nobody has ever heard of I honestly haven't seen a single Cain stan defend Cain's shitty behavior Not even the user you replied to??
    Also calling other users "sexual harassment apologists" (WTF LMAO) while the conversation is about a literal rapist has the same energy as men saying "men can also get raped" when women speak up about their rape experiences, like get a grip

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 6, 2024 9:11 pm
    A rapist is not the same as a sexual harasser just like a murderer is not the same as a guy who beat someone up. Of course it matters who's worse, it's common sense Yall be lacking that tho. Cain stans also lac... Elijah_.3x

    Wow so basically you are saying it's ok to sexually assault someone. Both are bad girlie regardless of which is worse

    Elijah_.3x February 6, 2024 9:13 pm
    Wow so basically you are saying it's ok to sexually assault someone. Both are bad girlie regardless of which is worse Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Quote me where I said sexual assault is ok?! I just added my two cents to your nonsense logic

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 6, 2024 9:15 pm
    Quote me where I said sexual assault is ok?! I just added my two cents to your nonsense logic Elijah_.3x

    Well the way you worded that and trying to compare which is worse like it's ok since it's not rape. They both have done bad

    Elijah_.3x February 6, 2024 9:18 pm
    Well the way you worded that and trying to compare which is worse like it's ok since it's not rape. They both have done bad Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Dude you're comparing it too, except you just say it's both bad, when it's clear which one is way worse

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 6, 2024 9:24 pm
    Dude you're comparing it too, except you just say it's both bad, when it's clear which one is way worse Elijah_.3x

    It doesn't matter which is worse. Both are bad end of story. And I didn't compare, all I said is they both have done bad and I'm tired of Yahwi being the only one getting the hate. Yall needa leave my kitty alone

    Ariest February 6, 2024 9:26 pm
    Homie is making up words nobody has ever heard of I honestly haven't seen a single Cain stan defend Cain's shitty behavior Not even the user you replied to?? Also calling other users "sexual harassment apologi... Elijah_.3x

    Nah it's time that hypocritical user gets a taste of their own words.
    And Cain stans constantly defend his behavior and only think others are problematic, what are you even saying? Take one look at the topics here and read all the "Cain is perfect", "Cain never did anything wrong", and "Cain is the only good guy" posts

    Elijah_.3x February 6, 2024 9:30 pm
    It doesn't matter which is worse. Both are bad end of story. And I didn't compare, all I said is they both have done bad and I'm tired of Yahwi being the only one getting the hate. Yall needa leave my kitty alo... Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Saying both are bad is a decision made through a *comparison*, a bad one at that. god you yahwi fanatics are so slow Your argumentation is the reason yall get called rape apologists in the first place. If you can't handle your "kitten" being hated stay away from the comments and move to X

    Ariest February 6, 2024 9:31 pm
    Bitch learn to fucking read, cain literally said "if you don't want to, push me away" it was no gaslighting, if anything Cain reassured him they can quit it. I don't even care abt Cain but you're just straight ... Elijah_.3x

    Cain knew Jooin didn't want it and was just too hurt and too scared to say not, he quite literally said so afterwards. So I think you need to learn how to read and stop defending sexual abuse yikes