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I don’t understand chapter 9 (spoilers)

Axol February 6, 2024 9:07 pm


She’s been fighting these things for 4000 years and she’s had 918 people with the same power as MC and all of them have apparently gone out of control or died, like who else was killing the out-of-control ones besides her? so how the hell can she not deal with the little girls humanoid one, it should be easy I don’t get it.(Even though the humanoid ones are rare in 4000 years there should be more than 100 on top of that.) the longer they live the more powerful they are mc has only been alive for 30 some years. The little girl must be around 100.(at least 70 somethin).(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

The math is not mathing… ( ̄へ ̄)
