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Lilysky February 7, 2024 10:11 pm

I think it has to do a lot with the type of relationship you have with your partner. I understand the people claiming it’s rape. Because it does look like it. But a lot of people have been woken up by their partner is similar situations, irl. And that’s just how comfortable they are with each other. Of course, this is something you talk about before. So I understand both sides, and from what I’ve read so far. It feels like both them would be okay being woken up like this. They are very passionate with each other. However, they’re are both drunk. Seems like they’re both reacting in a positive way. Everybody has their own way of viewing this situation. And you’re not in the wrong if you want to drop it because it made you uncomfortable! I won’t be dropping this story. I actually enjoy it.

    Kittykat February 21, 2024 5:12 am

    by law it is rape.

    Lilysky February 21, 2024 5:24 pm
    by law it is rape. Kittykat

    Yes, but this is fiction. Lol

    Kittykat February 21, 2024 7:56 pm
    Yes, but this is fiction. Lol Lilysky

    it DOES NOT MATTER. fiction that perpetuates rape culture affects peoples beliefs and unconscious biases. tons of ppl here think that it wasnt rape, like do you not see the issue??

    Lilysky February 21, 2024 10:56 pm

    I do see the issue. And it’s a HEAVY issue. However, I can separate fiction from reality. Like I said in my original post. These fictional characters seem to be the type to be into being woken up like this. I’m not going to argue over fiction. I’d rather do something irl. Like I have before. And as I mentioned before feel free to drop the serie. It’s understandable that it made you uncomfortable, many people felt the same way!

    Kittykat February 21, 2024 11:41 pm
    I do see the issue. And it’s a HEAVY issue. However, I can separate fiction from reality. Like I said in my original post. These fictional characters seem to be the type to be into being woken up like this. I... Lilysky

    the fiction argument doesnt hold up when content like this makes a lot of ppl believe that it wasnt rape. if you think fiction doesnt perpetuate rape culture, you are just blatantly incorrect