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Ok but why??

Tazz February 8, 2024 2:45 am

I get that you reap what you sow and at the end all the killing would bite you in the ass someday...but why did he just stay there in the library and bleed out to death??? Sing said that the knife missed all the vital organs which means he decided not to call for help and just die!
Was he tired of fighting? Did he feel that he deserved to die after all the crimes he'd committed? Did he think that a war with the Chinese will erupt if he didn't die? Was reading the letter more important than seeking help? Or was it just the author's decision to end his role even after being shot and stabbed multiple times??
I think about this ending all the time! Why build an image of a super man and then end him with a simple non life threatening knife wound? Anyway, enough venting I'll just imagine an ending with Ash and Eiji living happily ever after and forget about this one

    Knkz97 February 15, 2024 3:10 pm

    While reading this, I always felt like Ash is tired of living. He is tired of everything. His life is shit. He even learned to kill people. He learned to use his body to seduce. And many more, even though he never wanted to live like that. So when he sees the opportunity, maybe he is just to tired to even move and try to... survive. He is smiling in his death, so maybe he really is happy about it.

    It's just one of his selfishness in life that he choose death, and leaving those who loves him with all his soul (eiji). I'm mad at Ash for being selfish. For not thinking about Eiji. But remembering how hard and fucked his life is, it was probably bot a bad ending for "Ash".

    I too, still gonna pretend ash never died and lived happily ever after with eiji tho. I'm imagining thier lovey dovey moment in the future and reading all alternate doujinshi to deceive myself LOL

    2ha broke me May 19, 2024 7:19 am

    In the chapter where ash dies, Lao actually says “Good enough, though. Neither of us is going to make it” When they both attacked each other and both missed vital organs. I guess it’s like even if you don’t hit vital organs, a deep enough stab will kill by blood loss.

    Jay June 7, 2024 3:45 pm
    While reading this, I always felt like Ash is tired of living. He is tired of everything. His life is shit. He even learned to kill people. He learned to use his body to seduce. And many more, even though he ne... Knkz97

    This is a great way of explaining it, and I agree. It’s completely heartbreaking, but I understand why it ended like that. It’s still unfair though. If he went to Eiji, I’m sure he would come to be even happier (with therapy of course. I would definitely need it if I went through all of that)

    Knkz97 June 7, 2024 7:54 pm
    This is a great way of explaining it, and I agree. It’s completely heartbreaking, but I understand why it ended like that. It’s still unfair though. If he went to Eiji, I’m sure he would come to be even h... Jay

    That's exactly what I'm pretending to actually happen. Maybe in another universe of the world, Ash actually chose to try and live happily with Eiji and survived. They are happy together, overcoming the sadness together.

    Jay June 7, 2024 7:58 pm
    That's exactly what I'm pretending to actually happen. Maybe in another universe of the world, Ash actually chose to try and live happily with Eiji and survived. They are happy together, overcoming the sadness ... Knkz97

    Good :’) that’s what our boys deserve. Maybe I’ll write a happy fic for them someday