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Atp i mightaswell just leave this manga until

mimi February 8, 2024 7:36 am

Atp i mightaswell just leave this manga until jian yi and xixi get back on their track bc i cany even anymore cus their story was so interesting and now its like,,, sigh

    nickiq452 February 9, 2024 9:02 am

    Ikr? I get that the artist’s fav is mo x he tian but us Jian yi and xixi shippers are starving to death here

    Sushicat February 9, 2024 3:31 pm

    It’s small but they mention the time they went to the mountain top together in the recent Chinese new year special. Maybe we’ll get an important moment if they actually follow through and go there again. It would feel like a missed opportunity if they didn’t follow through with that. It’s a good set up.

    mimi February 16, 2024 8:33 pm
    Ikr? I get that the artist’s fav is mo x he tian but us Jian yi and xixi shippers are starving to death here nickiq452


    mimi February 16, 2024 8:34 pm
    It’s small but they mention the time they went to the mountain top together in the recent Chinese new year special. Maybe we’ll get an important moment if they actually follow through and go there again. It... Sushicat

    EXACTLY it would be so disappointing if they didnt follow through with it cus jian yi and xixi have so much potential its crazy,,, hopefully the author follows up on their story again cus im sad about it lmao