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"Take a look at a new manga about gaming", lol... this is like "angelic layer" tho..

iori January 6, 2017 4:40 am

"Take a look at a new manga about gaming", lol... this is like "angelic layer" tho..

    pughero January 8, 2017 6:55 pm

    it really is. now all it needs are figurenes

    Sanquin January 28, 2017 3:37 pm
    it really is. now all it needs are figurenes pughero

    Yea, it's incredibly similar. But that's nothing new in manga. In my opinion, this manga portrays the protagonist as far more realistic. Here, he has years of experience playing the game. In Angelic Layer, the girl magically goes from country girl totally clueless about the game, to regional champion in the span of two weeks or so.