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I'm still on chapter 62

Layla February 10, 2024 2:29 pm

This manga was so good BUT I simply couldnt keep quiet on the terrorist arc! It was super cringe as fuck! Like I get that he's angry about the child being used as a suicide bomber but the idea that all terrorists would gather in a single spot for his skeleton army to destroy is just beyond naive. (⊙…⊙ )

There's a reason experts talk of sleeper cells & terrorist units being so fragmented, none of them would know the identity of the other. Declaring that one South Korean could do what the US army couldnt do is again... I was burning in second embarrassment! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

There is an ethical element when dealing with this issue. On one hand, we do not condone the violence of such groups. On the other hand, the violence used by foreigners on others' territories only radicalise more local populations into becoming terrorists. No army, Kang woojin's death knights included can ever wipe out a home-grown terrorist outfit as they are driven by the fact that their home is being invaded by foreign troops with no real justification to be there. And that is why, the way the author portrayed this arc was so childish & it felt like I was reading a fanciful fantasy of a naive & righteous child.

    Ethereal May 3, 2024 10:29 pm

    I’m so glad someone said it. i felt like they really could have just…not taken this route and the comic would have been fine, but in doing so, not only do they reveal their own lack of understanding and knowledge but also lowered down a comic that is already becoming pretty annoying (imo). i get it, they want to make him all powerful to portray him as savior but they went about it the wrong way.

    not to mention, i feel like the mc becomes increasingly annoying the more i read. he’s egotistical, narcissistic and arrogant as hell with no real redeeming qualities. you’d think he’d slowly start TRYING to adapt to earth and societal norms, but he just runs all over the place causing mayhem and the author writes it off as being fine because he just came back. I’m really debating whether or not to drop this.