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2nd time posting about this :"))) becoming hopeless Been looking for this since early 2020...

Mia February 10, 2024 6:25 pm

2nd time posting about this :"))) becoming hopeless
Been looking for this since early 2020.

I remember a part where a girl asked her friend to go to a tarot reader and he agreed when they got there the tarot said something bad about her future and she said "i knew it" and just ran out the next day she committed suicide.

Its not romance I think its horror? It kinda gave a similar vibe as "An Uncomfortable Truth" and "Bastard"

i probably read this back in 2018/2019 and couldn't find it since, i either forgot to put it on my read list back then or it got removed. I'm not sure, or the title and cover got changed. Idk.

i remember it was colored and had about 50-60 chapters.
I genuinely can't remember but the style looked pretty similar to the two i referred up there
I read it here on this site

    scubbadubba February 10, 2024 9:21 pm

    Is it one of those webtoons that are a collection of horror stories or was it one single story?

    Mia February 10, 2024 9:28 pm
    Is it one of those webtoons that are a collection of horror stories or was it one single story? scubbadubba

    Nope it was a single story and I'm pretty sure it was a manhwa