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Mandyisgae February 10, 2024 6:53 pm


    Empowered Guardian (MD) February 10, 2024 10:03 pm
    Good calls out. These trolls are acting so cowardly. It is a cyber bully tactic you are calling out. They have numerous tactics going to attack two people. Truth hurts, hmm? Don’t believe anything they say ... Assertive Tigritude

    Thank you. You are right.
    Right Tig. They must know who you are because they are immaturely copying you too.
    Can you wake me up when September ends?

    They are not talking about me and anything I said because it does not match.
    Why should I be upset or offended at made-up nonsense? There is no reason to talk to people with boring repetitive trolling.
    Broken record stuck on the same debunked gaslighting and lies. Trolling makes this a dull place.

    Morning Diamons' Mom February 10, 2024 10:04 pm

    He makes people tell him to immediately shut up is what it is

    Assertive Tigritude February 10, 2024 10:11 pm
    He makes people tell him to immediately shut up is what it is Morning Diamons' Mom

    i feel almost sorry for lil bro he's comforting himself

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 10, 2024 10:16 pm

    the only reason I might feel bad for making him cry and ruin his mood is if he's a 12yo kiddo. else ion care

    Assertive Tigritude February 10, 2024 10:20 pm
    the only reason I might feel bad for making him cry and ruin his mood is if he's a 12yo kiddo. else ion care LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    it'd be even funnier if a 12 year old did this LOLOL but sad too like get off the internet and live ur life

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 10, 2024 10:29 pm
    it'd be even funnier if a 12 year old did this LOLOL but sad too like get off the internet and live ur life Assertive Tigritude

    with chatgpt writing half his essays who knows anymore bahahah any age will be tragic lool

    Assertive Tigritude February 10, 2024 10:31 pm
    with chatgpt writing half his essays who knows anymore bahahah any age will be tragic lool LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors

    nah ur right for that

    Mandyisgae February 17, 2024 1:06 am

    first off wtf, whats that with women fantazising abt rape...???

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 5:36 am
    first off wtf, whats that with women fantazising abt rape...??? Mandyisgae

    First to explain what is happening here....
    We hit celebrity status and a few of my adoring fans have entered the chat. They love my friends and me so much that they make about 6 accounts to be my friends and me. They love it when you don't give them attention. We feel so special and loved.
    Boy, the trolls... I mean fans... love us. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
    Maybe we can throw a stick?

    I am sorry that is 3 pages and I am going through clicking each link or reading worthless comments to see who is who. If the comment is hostile and trying to harm my friends and I or you then it is our loving fans. You can check by looking at their profiles they were just created on 2/7/2024 and a few after that. Tig, our friend created an account on 2/10/2024. He will be following the real people. He had deleted his other account.

    The second part, is they are gaslighting people trying to make articles quoting sex experts something my friends and I have said. We never put what we thought or believed. We simply posted research.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 5:39 am
    First to explain what is happening here....We hit celebrity status and a few of my adoring fans have entered the chat. They love my friends and me so much that they make about 6 accounts to be my friends and me... Empowered Guardian

    I am not* going through