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also, not people saying "if it was a man getting raped it would be fine" well yes, because...

una February 11, 2024 9:39 am

also, not people saying "if it was a man getting raped it would be fine" well yes, because unlike that, this is actually realistic and something a fuckton of women go through as opposed to there being way less male rape victims tldr; men rape women, like all the time, and love it in fiction just as much!

    Lucian February 12, 2024 9:28 pm

    who are you to say men getting raped is unrealistic? it’s not a competition

    potato_nyam_nyam February 13, 2024 5:45 pm

    I mistakenly liked the comment but I must say this comment is quite insensitive. Let's not be hypocrites here a lot of us would've devoured this shit if it was "bl". Although I'm not saying what is being portrayed in this story is right or good there are male rape victims in real life as well. It might not be as common but they still exist. Just because they're a minority doesn't mean they don't exist irl. There should always be a clear line between fiction and in real life.