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Nah this is just bad writing romanticizing rape and fulfilling the author's rape fantasies...

Old Mout Cider February 11, 2024 6:50 pm

Nah this is just bad writing romanticizing rape and fulfilling the author's rape fantasies. The reason why I am saying this is because there is no solid reason for the blond ML aka Mido to do all this fucked up shit to Jichan. It seems Mido was sexually abused as an omega child BUT why is his revenge directed at Jichan instead of the ones who actually committed this crime against him? Instead of punishing the pieces of shit who did all that to him, he is out there destroying the life of someone else who NEVER did anything to him. SPOILER AHEAD:
Yes, he did "abandon him" from Mido's perspective but that's not something deserving of rape, kidnapping, mental torture, or being used as a test subject for a drug that could very much be life-threatening. It's even laughable to think someone would go so far for such a reason. The normal reaction would be disappointment, anger, and verbal confrontation. But this mf didn't even bother to talk with Jinhan at all like he wasn't curious about what happened, why he abandoned him, especially since he seemed aware he was actively searching for him.... And if they argued like normal people maybe the blondie would have found out everything was indeed a misunderstanding and he wasn't abandoned. Not like abandonment would have called for this type of psychotic response and behavior either. All this is bad writing for me, the author simply wanted to write rape scenes without any plot to support it. Or if this is what the author considers plot then the bar is in hell.

    AWinterWonderLand February 12, 2024 2:16 am

    Yeah. Revenge plot but the reason for the revenge is VERY MUCH SHALLOW.

    Some rape stories make sense.