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Well now I know I definitely dont like female alphas

Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies February 11, 2024 9:58 pm

Well now I know I definitely dont like female alphas

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies February 11, 2024 10:12 pm

    Nah but honestly he was so much better with the bearded guy I felt so bad for him he treated uke so much better than that alpha lady and he was just left not to mention was was trash actual trash having a girlfriend while trying to get it on with the uke and getting upset that he's seeing someone else even though your bitch ass is still sleeping with your girlfriend like be frrr I really wish for once they go for the nice seme the one who treats them nice and is nice sorry but she actually made me sick

    French Vanilla Mint April 27, 2024 5:54 am
    Nah but honestly he was so much better with the bearded guy I felt so bad for him he treated uke so much better than that alpha lady and he was just left not to mention was was trash actual trash having a girlf... Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    Ur tweaking like actually, the alpha male knew they liked eachother and did u forget the omega lied and told her he was ACE??? She didn’t want him sleeping with some random while DRUNK BTW cause he told her his sexuality which she always assumed to be ace since that’s what he said. She assumed she had no choice but to give up on him that’s his fault for lying first off. Second ofc she’s gonna feel betrayed and hurt when the friend who she KNOWS had the idea that they were in love with eachother suddenly steals her crush. It’s like telling a friend u like someone only to see that friend dating ur crush shortly after telling them that bearded alpha knew the ml didn’t like him but he tried to use his weak feelings to wedge his way into his life despite knowing he had no chance which was stupid as fuck

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies April 27, 2024 9:37 am
    Ur tweaking like actually, the alpha male knew they liked eachother and did u forget the omega lied and told her he was ACE??? She didn’t want him sleeping with some random while DRUNK BTW cause he told her h... French Vanilla Mint

    Not reading all that she was trash you're free to have your own opinion but don't go around tryna tell others how they should think