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ok so not to be mean or anything but i dont think this is a revenge (getting married bfr y...

shoushou February 12, 2024 2:15 am

ok so not to be mean or anything but i dont think this is a revenge (getting married bfr your ex and bff). il feel like the best revenge is to live your life to the fullest and to never meet them again. but this is just my opinion

    Dodo March 15, 2024 10:33 am

    Well no story then

    Ohitspinereee April 2, 2024 9:58 am

    Honestly ,this would’ve been better to see her living her life to the fullest and being happy then organically falling in love with someone. For subplot we can put the ex and her ex best friend in contrast to the main characters life showing how it’s falling apart and they were arguing etc and could never seem to agree on anything or find a right time to get married. Thus leading to the realization that they only were passionate to each other because of their lust for one another and never had any love between the time of them. They would both come to regret what they did, but ultimately know that there’s nothing they can do at this point to fix the relationship between the both of them and with the main character who has already moved on and found a better group of friends and a better lover. I think would make a really good story that showed morals and really would make u think about the consequences of ur actions etc.