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Dolores madrigal February 12, 2024 4:00 am

Bruh. I was literally into reading the story but then the art style suddenly change into something else and I did not expect that. Literally gave me shivers coz it was weird, I can't really criticize someone else art since it's how they draw, I appreciate the artist for working hard for the s2 story line, but the fact that it didn't really fit the character is a bit concerning... So I'm just hoping that they'll bring back the artist from s1, but if the artist from s1 had a reason/statement why they didn't draw the story line for s2 then let's just understand and appreciate the art of the new artist. Overall, I like story.

    Boonanauyu February 14, 2024 8:49 am

    I'm glad im nit the only one thinking about this.... I really like the story line bc its hard to find sn alpha who knows consent ;;;