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Cupido February 12, 2024 6:12 am

Just wanted to say that war and climate change ARE real and that capitalism it’s destroying the world and y’all here spending time on this bs. I hope mangago disables comments again since you are all just a bunch of unemployed kids living off their parents and reading illegal gay porn and spending hours on useless forums being trolls or worse: arguing with trolls

    Assertive Tigritude February 12, 2024 8:03 am

    The real readers are not engaging with them.
    It is like 6 accounts impersonating the real readers and the trolls are talking to each other. I have one impersonating me. The trolls are “fighting” each other. They are mocking and defaming the real people. Who has barely commented.

    The trolls are offended and they are doing anything they gaslight everyone here about a few people to get them to left the site with that profile
    The link above says it what I said this one is some one who join with a mission but the trolls are stuck in defaming MD to notice.

    This link below is a troll account and if you go to last few comments. .

    They are trying to force them off the site by this.

    Assertive Tigritude February 12, 2024 10:49 am

    All I said was the only rape in Jinx is from Dan because Jaekyung was drunk. Anyone who calls Jaekyung a rapist adds rape to the story therefore is the rapist. They are gaslighting everyone about the truth. Jaekyung had never raped Dan if you look closely at the story. I mentioned here that women fantasizing about rape is normal and healthy because it's fictional but they are calling be a rape apologist. They think I'm offended by responding to their every comment but they are defaming me so I will defend myself.

    Candy Stripes February 12, 2024 11:46 am

    B-b-but who’s going to tell everyone that JK is not a rapist if I’m not on here all the time

    Assertive Tigritude February 12, 2024 12:02 pm
    B-b-but who’s going to tell everyone that JK is not a rapist if I’m not on here all the time Candy Stripes

    Everyone is trying to gaslight me into thinking I'm wrong. You are just haters.

    Candy Stripes February 12, 2024 12:09 pm

    Everyone hates me. This is ALL cyber bullying. Broken record on repeat. Why do people keep hating on me when I don’t even have problematic viewpoints. All I said was that Dan was a rapist! This is why BelovedRose was bullied off this app.

    Assertive Tigritude February 12, 2024 12:33 pm

    Reading your op again. Kids. They come off as kids who are not funny. Them behing kids would explain it.