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lovelybl February 13, 2024 4:26 am

I haven't read it yet but this is not a substitution story righhht?!

    tsundokuist February 13, 2024 9:42 am

    What’s a replacement/substitution story?

    elle February 13, 2024 3:18 pm

    It’s not! I don’t think kinard liked Judith romantically; it was the devon & judith who liked each other (kinard also knows/confirms this bc he gives Devon a ring that Judith probably wanted to give her. The stone is alexandrite (?) which I think might be related to Devon’s middle name or something. Anyway it’s complicated but basically I’m sure kindard + judith were mostly friends c: idk about the marriage tho they don’t go into detail about it tbh. But stuff becomes clearer later in the story (I’m bad at explaining stuff)

    elle February 13, 2024 3:19 pm
    What’s a replacement/substitution story? tsundokuist

    It’s when someone uses someone else as a replacement for someone who’s not available anymore. In the case of this story, kinard using louis as a replacement for Judith (he doesn’t actually though.. it just seems this way but stuff gets cleared up, or at least it does for me)