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TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 6:00 am

I feel like you guys who aren’t uncomfy are odd. Look within yourself. Think “hmm this is a dad and son duo and now the author might/will turn it into a lovers duo…” and if after that you say “I LOVE IT” you should then register yourself to the nearest mental hospital.. like don’t you guys get it? It’s weird ass shit for “mama” to raise the child, see him develop and become an adult then catch feelings… its weird to see the kid grow up and look at his potential parental figure in any other way than family.. it’s weirdddd! And I hate that you guys are saying to go read something else to people when the story wasn’t even about this shit in the beginning. Like please please show where tf in the descriptions or tags does it say romance PLEASE! And miss me with the “they’re not related!” So? It isn’t incest in a sense, sure but it’s grooming, shit pedophilia if you will. Y’all defending some weird morals lmao please stay safe out here.

    Batata February 13, 2024 10:04 am

    Go and do moral policing somewhere else, who're you to tell people what they should like or not, are they harming you in any way, do you not understand difference between a story and reality, do you think people take this and go in real life doing same things, if you think this way, better check yourself in the nearest mental hospital, if you can't take fiction as fiction that is. What people are asking is, is there any need for you to comment on AU version if you don't like it, can't you just shut up read the wholesome part, you cannot fathom why people are defending it but I can't fathom why are you reading AU version if you don't like it and then talking shit, shouldn't read it in the 1st place, don't you have better things to do if you are a saint that you pretend to be.

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 10:40 am
    Go and do moral policing somewhere else, who're you to tell people what they should like or not, are they harming you in any way, do you not understand difference between a story and reality, do you think peopl... Batata

    Oh so you’re a weirdo, got it lmao

    Look at what you’re defending right now, take a little peak. YES YOURE CORRECT something morally wrong no matter if fiction or reality. That’s a bullshit ass excuse. “It’s fake! It’s not real!” So? It’s nasty lmao that’s what it is.

    Who am I to tell people what they should and shouldn’t like? So y’all like seeing some lowkey incest, pedo, and grooming shit? Bye. Lmao tf.

    You and many others, have to realize that this is an online website that many many people visit. No matter what people are going to comment their opinions, hate, disappointment, etc. and if you can’t handle it, then babe, hop off.. leave as some of you guys keep saying. Shit drop a dislike. It’s really not that hard, it’s super duper easy! :)

    Anyways babes, I’m such a saint actually! You know with the best morals policy and all ;)

    noa February 13, 2024 11:07 am

    I totally get what you mean. After all that content of cute, healthy dynamic to switch up and normalize some weird as fuck fantasy of falling for a guardian who basically cleaned your poop is hella weird. The kid grew up seeing him as a mama figure not a love interest. How people gonna push for that is fucking weird.

    If this started off as a fucked up manhua nobody would question it but that aint the case in this. T_T

    Batata February 13, 2024 11:24 am
    Oh so you’re a weirdo, got it lmao Look at what you’re defending right now, take a little peak. YES YOURE CORRECT something morally wrong no matter if fiction or reality. That’s a bullshit ass excuse. “... TwilightSparkle ✫彡

    Not you liking and reading rape shit and pretending to be saint here, so disgusting, what a hypocrite!! lmao
    I can see where your morals lies, babe!!
    When you mention other people and what they're doing and reading in the comment section be ready when those same people calls out on your bs, afterall as you know it's "online website, where many people comment their opinions on" isn't it.
    So you do have brain enough to tell other people to leave when they don't like it right, same can be said to you too, "leave if you don't like the AU version and people who read it, it's not that hard but super duper easy", yeah!!

    phoque February 13, 2024 3:47 pm

    you always leave long af paragraphs on everything that you read. I get that you're entitled to ur own opinion but the way u go about doing it makes u sound like that kid in hs tryna be like ME ME ME IM RIGHT. Also to quote ur statement: pls look within urself and try to think if ur opinion fully supports ur "morals" as well cause you've read non-con and u leave comments that u hate it but ur too far in the story to not finish it is just bull lol. u want specifics? uve read jinx and dear door which contains non-con, do u support non-con irl then? do u also do sexual acts non-con irl?? get off ur high horse miss maam, u aint shit.

    also ppl came here to read. R-E-A-D. not listen to ur bitchy ass whine about absolutely everything in this world.

    without any respect at all, fuck off.

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 4:18 pm
    Not you liking and reading rape shit and pretending to be saint here, so disgusting, what a hypocrite!! lmaoI can see where your morals lies, babe!!When you mention other people and what they're doing and readi... Batata

    So you admit it, that it’s wrong? Exactly Lmaoo

    What I’m getting from reading your reply is that I’m wrong for calling out perverts? I’m the bad guy for commenting how weird you guys are? Right right. Sue me I guess Lmaoo

    Idk where in my comment you got that I’m reading the AU… cause I’m pretty sure I was just calling out the weirdos who like it… listen I’m smart enough to skip the chapter and wait until the next one. I’m not bothered by it.

    You’re talking about me being a hypocrite when in fact babe, you’re the hypocrite! Cause didn’t you tell me to shut up? Yet here you are replying to everrrryyyyy comment you disagree on LMFAOOOOO so I can’t comment but you can? My bad boss. Oh and to add on, you’re the disgusting one if you ask anyone.. how are you defending what you just said it is, rape? I’m all ears! Elaborate on that topic. Hmm right you’re just not morally right in the head, got it!

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 4:40 pm
    you always leave long af paragraphs on everything that you read. I get that you're entitled to ur own opinion but the way u go about doing it makes u sound like that kid in hs tryna be like ME ME ME IM RIGHT. A... phoque

    I loveeee when people check my account, what else did you find? :o anyways uh yeah like I said, it’s wrong ain’t it? You guys admit it every time y’all reply to any comment that looks like mine. Every time lmao.

    I am right. Always will be. This high horse I’m on is quite comfy! You took your time to research my shit and I’m so proud that I got such a reaction out of you lmao! You know how bad I got you that you had to click my profile? Lmfaooo you’re practically my fan!

    Anyways on a serious note, I’m not whining? I’m not “omggg I hate it omgggg stop it omgggg this is bs omg where is the real plot?” Or am I? Like I said to the other doofus. I skip the chapters LMFAOOOO

    I bet you’re read all of this ;)

    Damn now realizing, Dear Door was one of the first mangas I’ve read…so that means you went far into my account holy shit LMFAOOOO! Bro atp follow me fr. Anyways like those non consensual mangas, I skip over the rape scenes. I usually don’t expect there to be any since no one says shit until it happens but hey my bad, let me just skip to the future to find out before I read anything lmao!! Anyways I’ll wait for your reply! Byeeee!!

    Batata February 13, 2024 5:27 pm
    So you admit it, that it’s wrong? Exactly Lmaoo What I’m getting from reading your reply is that I’m wrong for calling out perverts? I’m the bad guy for commenting how weird you guys are? Right right. S... TwilightSparkle ✫彡

    An idiot stopped!! Lmao
    Well, yeah!! You are weird if you're commenting this while knowing it'll be posted and people read it.
    Only dumb doesn't get it, are you one of those!??
    So what do you wanna do after you call out to all the perverts!!?? What's your purpose??
    Did it make you superior or heroic.
    Do you want them to agree with your opinion and start going around writing crap just like you are doing or do you want the AU version to be removed because "according to your moral standards it's wrong, people who read it are wrong" and because you think you're morally correct it should be applied to everyone else, yeah!!? If we start moral policing on everything and everyone, this website won't have anything left. or do you want them to get down their knees n ask for your forgiveness to even read something like that, didn't I say keep your morals to yourself. No one is doing anything to you so why are you always jumping the gun like a crazed monkey.
    Oops, not projecting your ideals onto others is something only sane can do, my bad!! Asked too much from you.
    If you don't read AU version you shouldn't have any problem with what others are reading whether it's to your liking or not, you're just asking for attention!!
    I replied to your comment because you asked for it, I read it and you targeted me so live with it otherwise who would like to go in front of a barking dog unnecessarily.
    Every comment!?? Not the pot calling kettle black. Lol but here's the difference I'm not degrading someone for what they read or what they do in their life as long as it's not harming anyone, I'm fine but that's not case with you and people like you, you want everyone to like what you like, read what you read and agree on what you think is correct.
    Also when did I defend rape, are you nuts!!! Well maybe you are, got it!!.

    phoque February 13, 2024 5:32 pm

    to answer your first question: yes i did check out ur profile. i usually make sure that what i say about ppl is true. i found out that u r a hypocritical whiny ass :o

    to reply to your asinine statement: "you guys admit it every time y’all reply to any comment that looks like mine."

    to follow your logic then r u admitting to my questions earlier? to quote myself: "do u support non-con irl then? do u also do sexual acts non-con irl??"

    sweetheart, what exactly are we admitting? the story aint finished and y'all are yapping about grooming and pedophilia being present in the story and so far, basing on what ive read, the kid will probably be raised by the bio mom. if it aint then then mb but that still aint grooming.

    to clarify, grooming as stated by one of the sites on the internet is defined as: "Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them."

    go on and list down the chapters wherein the mafia guy is manipulating, exploiting, and abusing the kid in the chapters where he's all grown up and ill apologize. if u cant find shit that's cause there aint any. y'all be using terms u dont even full understand ffs.

    if u believe urself to be right then yh feel free, hun. stay on ur supposedly high horse :) and ur right, ur long ass comment got me to react bcs i cant believe it's 2024 and the internet is still filled with ppl who cant even be bothered to fully analyze shit before they speak/type despite being given a fully functioning brain.

    oh also to be clear, i dont support grooming or even pedophilia or incest. i have read works containing such (yes, shocking :o. i aint gonna try and hide shit yk) and afterwards did not peruse any longer due to my aversion to works containing these scenarios. since there arent a lot of tags for the works here, i now rely on the comsec to avoid such works.

    to reply to: "I’m not whining? I’m not “omggg I hate it omgggg stop it omgggg this is bs omg where is the real plot?”

    to quote your whiny comments:


    LOL. iT wAs suPpoSed tO bE jAewOOOOO :((((

    to quote another one:

    "It’s one of those stories where you hate everyone. I went through so much stress I swear I lost ten fucking years if my life. Everyone wanted to choose who the bottom ends up with but I just think they all need to get tf away from each other and located their nearest therapist. Hell no you think I’m reading this shit again. And why didn’t I drop it.. cause, I was deep into the story that I might’ve well finished it. And I did, but I’d never waste my time again.. fr"

    Again, LOL. i Went tHrouGh sO mUch stRess .... wHy diDn't i dRop iT :((((

    to reply to: "Damn now realizing, Dear Door was one of the first mangas I’ve read…so that means you went far into my account holy shit LMFAOOOO! Bro atp follow me fr."

    hell yh i did(▰˘◡˘▰) i didnt get those high grades in practical research back in the day to just skim the surface. ill pass on ff tho.

    To reply to: "Anyways like those non consensual mangas, I skip over the rape scenes. I usually don’t expect there to be any since no one says shit until it happens but hey my bad, let me just skip to the future to find out before I read anything lmao!! Anyways I’ll wait for your reply! Byeeee!!"

    if u actually wanted to avoid any non-con you'd read the reviews/comments since the tags here are vv incomplete and unreliable as well. you dont need to "skip to the future". also how r u gonna skip over the non con scenes in Jinx when most of the chapters are either non con or dubcon? loll. The comsec for Jinx has a shit ton of warnings, who r u tryna fool bae? ur excuse has more plotholes than any of the works in this site.

    ANYWAYSSS, i do recommend reading this out loud. if that aint possible, read it slowly. maybe it'll get through your empty platinum skull. we'll find out won't we?

    Taesung's Tiddies February 13, 2024 6:32 pm
    to answer your first question: yes i did check out ur profile. i usually make sure that what i say about ppl is true. i found out that u r a hypocritical whiny ass :oto reply to your asinine statement: "you guy... phoque

    Just you know that,, i love you for your comment and that you have sooo much patience to reply this ugly rodent we have here!!

    Yuto<3 February 13, 2024 6:43 pm
    to answer your first question: yes i did check out ur profile. i usually make sure that what i say about ppl is true. i found out that u r a hypocritical whiny ass :oto reply to your asinine statement: "you guy... phoque

    THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME AND REPLYING TO THE PISSY BABY. I swear, everything you stated fits so much and is so clear. Even if people don’t agree they need to understand THIS EXACT COMMENT.

    leeloh February 13, 2024 7:36 pm

    Jesus... as if we're breaking down literal drawings as if they have any actual significance...
    Unless Wolf King sexually touchs/ed kid Potato, it isn't pedophilia.
    Unless Wolf King raises/d kid Potato in a way that would allow King to exploit, manipulate, or abuse Potato, it isn't grooming.
    And since King and Potato aren't related by blood, it isn't incest.
    The labels you're throwing around sound sorta, maybe a little right, but they aren't. Thankfully this is just a comic, so damage is minimal, but there are real-world implications that can mess up communities with the throwing around of such words.

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 9:48 pm
    to answer your first question: yes i did check out ur profile. i usually make sure that what i say about ppl is true. i found out that u r a hypocritical whiny ass :oto reply to your asinine statement: "you guy... phoque

    Bro you crack me tf up lmfaooo no way no wayyyy! You fucking copy & pasted a comment I have regarding a whole other manga?!! Wtf lmfaooooo I’m sorry I only read up to that point, no way can I take your argument serious when brought up another story that doesn’t matter to this one babe LMFAOOOO no way. You’re too funny, to bad you’re a weirdo

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 9:48 pm
    Jesus... as if we're breaking down literal drawings as if they have any actual significance... Unless Wolf King sexually touchs/ed kid Potato, it isn't pedophilia. Unless Wolf King raises/d kid Potato in a way ... leeloh

    Argue with that wall not me

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 9:49 pm
    THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME AND REPLYING TO THE PISSY BABY. I swear, everything you stated fits so much and is so clear. Even if people don’t agree they need to understand THIS EXACT COMMENT. Yuto<3

    So many weirdos now in days am I right yuto? I’m talking about y’all

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 9:51 pm
    An idiot stopped!! LmaoWell, yeah!! You are weird if you're commenting this while knowing it'll be posted and people read it.Only dumb doesn't get it, are you one of those!??So what do you wanna do after you ca... Batata

    Whomp whomp! I can’t have a normal conversation cause then you guys get to emotional for me telling you’re truths lol

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 9:52 pm
    Just you know that,, i love you for your comment and that you have sooo much patience to reply this ugly rodent we have here!! Taesung's Tiddies

    I find this offensive because I’m really pretty lol

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 9:53 pm

    If you guys can’t figure out that now I’m fucking with y’all, then that’s sad lmao

    TwilightSparkle ✫彡 February 13, 2024 9:53 pm

    Still stand by what I said tho!

    Batata February 13, 2024 10:05 pm
    Whomp whomp! I can’t have a normal conversation cause then you guys get to emotional for me telling you’re truths lol TwilightSparkle ✫彡

    Look whos even talking about being emotional!!lol...
    Keep your wompings to yourself when you can't hold a decent conversation. AU and people who read it, are too much for you to handle, go cry somewhere else.