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I'm sorry but I just had to say this, if you just read this manga and think the aunt is an...

Not_yo_cheese February 13, 2024 1:51 pm

I'm sorry but I just had to say this, if you just read this manga and think the aunt is an ass and that she should have been more understanding and mature. Well then can I just say you should ALSO be more understanding and mature? This is the same as in real life trauma, depression and guilt isn't easy to get rid of, you need help to get rid of it which clearly she did not get. Just because someone has reached adulthood doesn't automatically mean they're sage's of wisdom that know everything, just like how children need an adults help when it comes to emotional and physical pain. Adults ALSO need other adults to help them, what she needed was therapy and help that I didn't see her getting. And before you say maybe it was off screen you don't have a mental breakdown and no contact of reconcile with your nephew years later if she did, not only does she need to deal with her mental state she has to take care of a newborn baby, a child that activates her trauma, and a grown man that can't/doesn't help with any of it. Y'all know how they talked about taking action with not just omega kids AND alphas? That's literally like a metaphor for what I'm saying rn the omegas being the children in this scenario and the alphas being the adults, you can't just focus on helping one cause you think the other doesn't need help. All I'm saying is just cause you say someone should be more understanding and mature doesn't mean that you shouldn't also be understanding and mature of their situation, ofc no child should experience this but as the other mature person (us the reader or third person) we should try to understand the different perspective's of the situation

    Jo-di February 14, 2024 8:54 am

    Some of the stuff you said I agree. But she was in the hospital if im not mistaken that was when the husband blame him for her state so she did decide to get help when he was a child. Also he may be the object of her trauma but she had energy enough to raise her own child and act like yangae ( idk the correct spelling) didn't exist. I'm torn to look at the situation in a conflicting way because she did feed and clothes him up until he left for high school. The adults themselves were arguing because of how household vibe was. The husband I'm assuming didn't want him there then that would meant the wife was fighting with the husband for yangae to stay so I would say she did care. She protected from getting r***e but treated him like he didn't exist? I feel like her action doesn't match with what she putting/showing to him. Plus after all these years neither parent said thank you to him for help raising their own son. Depression affects all aspects of any relationship so she was okay enough to put on the motherly act for her son but not her nephew. The state of their household looks like she has people there to cook and etc so she did have outside help for years. So in the end she CHOSE not to reach out she chose not mend the relationship between them. These are my thoughts.

    Not_yo_cheese February 14, 2024 1:55 pm
    Some of the stuff you said I agree. But she was in the hospital if im not mistaken that was when the husband blame him for her state so she did decide to get help when he was a child. Also he may be the object ... Jo-di

    I'm not saying she isn't in the wrong, what I'm saying is that we still should try to be a bit more understanding to the situation, also yeah that's what I first thought too that her going to the hospital was her getting help. It's either the therapist was awful or she just didn't want to corporate, but either way they'd definitely tell you to try mending the situation or at least help her mental state. Cause again we do see she cares about him so she'd definitely want to try get help not to mention we see her Burst out so no I don't think she got help much, also by what she says he "triggers" her trauma and guilt and not depression so it would make sense not wanting to see someone who triggers those feelings. It wasn't her depression that made her ignore him it was the guilt (personally I forgot all the names so I just refer to their pronouns), in the end she CHOSE not to

    Not_yo_cheese February 14, 2024 2:00 pm
    I'm not saying she isn't in the wrong, what I'm saying is that we still should try to be a bit more understanding to the situation, also yeah that's what I first thought too that her going to the hospital was h... Not_yo_cheese

    Reach out cause I'm just guessing she either thought it was too late or she didn't know how. And yeah you could say she should have tried but with her situation I myself would have been ashamed and think I'd only make things worse that the person I hurt wouldn't want my apologies

    Jo-di February 14, 2024 2:18 pm
    Reach out cause I'm just guessing she either thought it was too late or she didn't know how. And yeah you could say she should have tried but with her situation I myself would have been ashamed and think I'd on... Not_yo_cheese

    That's why I said her action doesn't match what she showing him. She just saved him from his lover who she thought was an attacker but then her reaction after and even when confronted is conflicting. Why bring his lover back to the house why tell him he can also come when he came to her in the room why not say leave and close the door or say when his lover wakes you can leave. Her action showing like she's trying to make a path but the words out her mouth is spiteful.

    Not_yo_cheese February 14, 2024 3:23 pm
    That's why I said her action doesn't match what she showing him. She just saved him from his lover who she thought was an attacker but then her reaction after and even when confronted is conflicting. Why bring ... Jo-di

    ??? Sorry it's like 11pm rn for me so I can't process my words correctly rn, but there are reasons for being caring but acting so spiteful like her case.

    Daemon April 8, 2024 11:29 pm

    You can understand while also not making excuses for her fuck up. I've seen people much more traumatized than this fictional character who've hurt people but taken accountability for it in a much more mature manner than this woman, who've been hurt and haven't managed to abuse their children and so on. Neglect is a choice. Abuse is a choice. One she made continuously for years on end. No one's been unsympathetic, we're just choosing to draw the line when it comes to a child.