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Is this suppose to be a comedy cause I didn't understand a thing and it's very confusing l...

ᙎondering ᖇᥱᥲძᥱɾ February 27, 2024 3:12 pm

Is this suppose to be a comedy cause I didn't understand a thing and it's very confusing like wut just happened. The translation be confusing me and also the facial expressions like bro I don't get it, like wuts happening cause feels like it's going too fast or I really didn't understand a thing.

I mean I understand that it's not an official translation yet but why is the art quiet stiff, I mean the facial expressions not whole art only expressions,the art is good tho but only expressions for me pls don't misjudge me okay, and why is the story going soo fast , like the baby can talk , can run and walk now. And any ways how old is she? I mean what's her age?Cause everything in the story is going too fast for me to understand (´A`。
