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JaReader February 14, 2024 6:19 pm

Last update of the novel was Aijin being framed and beaten up by seokju and his henchman. Aijin plead for his life. He made Aijin bear the debt of 1 mil for stealing and betraying him which is something that Aijin did not do. There is no way Aijin can explain himself out of this since Seokju did not trust him. Seokju decided to use Aijin as his prostitute for his sleeping disorder. He handled Aijin roughly to rape and abuse him.
It's so painful to read. Poor Aijin... I wonder how will Aijin ever escape from him. If he ever did, I hope this is not one of those story where uke forgive seme and go back to him. He don't f*cking deserve forgiveness and needs to suffer endlessly till the day he dies. No chance of redemption whatsoever as he does not f*cking deserves any. *fuming mad*

    Skylar☁ March 14, 2024 7:08 am



    I read until the part when Aijin commited suicide and f*cker Seokju learned that Aijin was framed. He came back and saw him in pool of blood and his minions can't bring Aijin to hospital cause he's still shackled and only Seokju has the key so he is on critical condition. Every time he rape him he also drugging Aijin not once but multiple times. I stopped around chapter 114 cause MTL is making me

    JaReader March 14, 2024 8:18 am
    .. .. .......................I read until the part when Aijin commited suicide and f*cker Seokju learned that Aijin was framed. He came back and saw him in pool of blood and his minions can't bring Aijin to hos... Skylar☁

    This is so F up. May I know where you read it?

    JaReader March 14, 2024 8:42 am
    This is so F up. May I know where you read it? JaReader

    If it's raw I know where to read it. Going to do it now infact. Haha..
    It hurts everytime I read this. My heart goes to Aijin. Poor baby.

    JaReader March 14, 2024 8:42 am
    .. .. .......................I read until the part when Aijin commited suicide and f*cker Seokju learned that Aijin was framed. He came back and saw him in pool of blood and his minions can't bring Aijin to hos... Skylar☁

    If it's raw I know where to read it. Going to do it now infact. Haha..
    It hurts everytime I read this. My heart goes to Aijin. Poor baby.

    Skylar☁ March 14, 2024 12:27 pm
    If it's raw I know where to read it. Going to do it now infact. Haha..It hurts everytime I read this. My heart goes to Aijin. Poor baby. JaReader

    Same!! I keep punching air whenever Seokju say sht about Aijin! When obviously he did nothing wrong!!


    And Aijin literally do nothing wrong he was just there chopping some onions. Nothing more. Sadly, I read MTLed so some translation are lost but it's readable. Still waiting for better translation.