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I'm glad i'm not the only one who is confused about the story. it feels like there's still...

Peridot08 February 14, 2024 6:03 pm

I'm glad i'm not the only one who is confused about the story. it feels like there's still more.. Also, it feels like there are a lot of missing puzzles in some chapters, like who is the real parent of that baby wolf, and who was that guy who appeared after Angelo was beaten by ian? And that Paul guy? How is he? Feels like he has a potential becoming a second lead but he was cut off. And at the end of the last chapter, is there a war going to happened? I hate it that I was hook up with this it feels like it wasted my time and effort to read.. sorry to the author but he need improvements. The story was ok if only it was plotted properly.

    Tongs February 17, 2024 10:47 am

    Oops I did thumbs down but accidentally
    But yes, there was so many chapters that I feel was leading somewhere but then the author decided it change it last minute… it’s hit inconsistent with the storyline

    TitsAreTits May 15, 2024 8:41 pm
    Oops I did thumbs down but accidentally But yes, there was so many chapters that I feel was leading somewhere but then the author decided it change it last minute… it’s hit inconsistent with the storyline Tongs

    It reminded me of a TV show getting canceled and them having to quickly end it while leaving a bunch of loose ends