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I would have preferred a more realistic ending

Ot7_BL@-@ February 15, 2024 8:42 am

The story may be well thought out, but the traumas are real. It really shows how a relationship based on toxicity can affect the future. How treating someone can change them, or how lying to yourself can be dangerous.

Both characters were so toxic, one in the past and one in the present. They hurt each other at intervals times. Their relationship was just toxic beyond belief.

Personally, I loved the story, but not the ending, which for me is in no way realistic. I would have preferred a more realistic ending, with one going to prison and the other to a psychiatric hospital. That they could rebuild their lives separately and really learn to love themselves. Maybe years later, really years later, meeting by chance after healing the wounds of the past, giving each other a second chance. Once again, it's a shaky ending. For me, it's sloppy and not thought through enough, but I respect the author's wishes.

Still, a very fine psychological story, despite an unrealistic ending that's not to my taste. It's a thought-provoking story in its own right, and despite the not-so-beautiful ending, it's still a very fine psychological story.

    Gzxii February 25, 2024 2:11 pm

    I love ur ending more. I'll imagine it in my head many times and convince myself that's it's the real ending

    Ot7_BL@-@ March 1, 2024 12:00 pm
    I love ur ending more. I'll imagine it in my head many times and convince myself that's it's the real ending Gzxii
