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I like it, and I feel for all the characters, but I do think that there was much more to b...

SayerSong January 8, 2017 6:33 pm

I like it, and I feel for all the characters, but I do think that there was much more to be told and that the there was not enough time spent on the parts it did tell. Needs MUCH more expansion on all aspects, including what I believe were the feelings Yuuma and Hirono had for each other before Yuuma rapped Seono and than expansion on Seono and Yuuma's lives together as well, and I wish the letter had specifically said that Yuuma had always been in love with Hirono as well, and that Seono was giving Yuuma back to Hirono now. I don't dislike any of the characters like some though. I think it was tragic for all of them.

    Kaho January 9, 2017 5:25 am

    I suddenly thought that maybe Yuuma and Hirono only had an unspoken crush between them. In the flashback, they only planned to share a room together. I think Yuuma only liked Hirono and Hirono maybe loved him more.
    Yuuma's romantic feeling may died after he married Seono.