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My opinion, not yours ( ^_^ )

Yu-chii February 16, 2024 7:03 am

I like how the story is progressing...

Some say that the mc should run away with the child, but bruhhhh....

Financial support? Treatment?
How would they live without money?

Also, at first, the ml did his best. He didn't know what to do at first cause he didn't understand what he felt.  He hadn't loved anyone at first, you know.

Plus, there was a lack of communication, and it is hard to understand and handle a person with trauma and depression.

The mc really had a hard time mentally, and it is difficult to be alone in those times cause you'll keep thinking about dying most of the time. The ml being there is a great help in mc's recovery, even though he is the reason why he became like that. 

Anyway, I love the story, and no one can stop me.
