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I can’t be satisfied or happy for Wataru unless I bonk Soma a few times. He didn’t do ...

Ambrosia February 16, 2024 8:12 am

I can’t be satisfied or happy for Wataru unless I bonk Soma a few times. He didn’t do nearly enough to reassure Wataru imo, if anything he makes his insecurity worse bc wth was that?! If after months of soul draining job hunting, I wanted to celebrate my success with my boyfriend and he showed up with his EX??!! He’s losing a few teeth that day. And they both planned the dinner without Wataru so they can resolve their feelings and move on, he was the add on!! No matter what bullshit reasoning Soma gives, if Wataru wouldn’t want to come maybe think about whyyyy that is and do a better job reassuring him instead of deceiving him and playing in his face!! Resolve your situation with your ex some other day, this is about celebrating Wataru first!!! I enjoyed the build up of the story at first but man this ending was not satisfying even if it was a happy ending, it just served to pmo.
