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Hm. Contemplating whether I liked that ending or not, on one side it's unfair that gyeol(s...

Duck_nim February 16, 2024 11:52 am

Hm. Contemplating whether I liked that ending or not, on one side it's unfair that gyeol(sheepmask) died after all that he's been through while the sergeant gets to live. On the other, at least gyeol is free from it all while the reason for all of his suffering is living his life like hell everyday. I do like it when the perpetrator gets to live their life suffering everyday bcz no way do they deserve peace. He deserves to live his life feeling like it's always in danger, men like the sergeant should never have day where they can feel safe in this world. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
