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Bro why are you two shouting at the least important topic to ever exists

Finalsssss February 17, 2024 10:28 am

Bro why are you two shouting at the least important topic to ever exists

    JustCallMeApple February 17, 2024 11:47 am

    About the food…? it’s because Martha really treated him badly about the food, he didn’t like fish, and when they learned about it… that’s all they feed Aeroc :(

    Martha was really a bitch in s1, it’s a lot worse in the novel.

    In the novel, in this scene, Aeroc didn’t eat the snacks because it had raisins. That’s how he got paid after sex at the bottom place, raisin bread, so he couldn’t stand the sight or taste of it… and when Clough called him picky eater… well, anyone would be angry ╥﹏╥