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MC is a little annoying

LovesBL February 17, 2024 2:21 pm

I think the mc is annoying, he keeps telling everyone that he's half-baked because that what his master told him when he was a child but he created a potion that made him young again.

I find him stupid as well, since he's an alchemist you would want to see what the other potions are like that the other alchemists can do. Instead he thinks everyone can do the stuff he can since he's half-baked.

I find it stupid that the mc hasn't realised that the alchemy he knows might be better than the alchemy they know since the whole civilization as downgraded. Since not many people have multiple attributes and the technology that they have insn't advanced so why as the mc not realised that the same thing could of happened to alchemy. Since alchemy needs more than 1 attribute of magic since the present alchemists uses magic tools when they do alchemy which downgrades the potions.
