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I'm annoyed

MidnightWorld January 9, 2017 8:05 am

So much damn's so annoying! What is with these people acting like some kind of alpha in some bad fanfiction! "MINE MINE MINE" constantly being battered out! What are they? The seagulls from Finding Nemo? Just have a huge orgy and have everyone fall in love with everyone. Ok? Also, Rou just needs to chill out for a second. I mean, it's cool and all being the madona of the yaoi world, but tone it down a bit would ya?

    Nash January 9, 2017 8:13 am

    Seagulls from finding nemo x'D x'D Great reference! x'D ohohoho x'D

    Sachiko January 10, 2017 1:00 am

    Um, it seems you seriously missed the point of this manga.... Even though you still felt qualified to post a response in regards to that exact same misinterpretation of the manga...? I'm just a... MITE... confused.

    MidnightWorld January 10, 2017 5:10 pm
    Um, it seems you seriously missed the point of this manga.... Even though you still felt qualified to post a response in regards to that exact same misinterpretation of the manga...? I'm just a... MITE... conf... Sachiko

    Well, I'm sure there is a deeper meaning somewhere, which I'm not going to go through the pain of saying because it takes too long. I meerly stated my own biased opinion of what I thought about the surface of this manga. And surely you must be joking? Qualified? Sir/ma'am, I am 100% certain that I am not qualified to say anything but neither is most of the people on this site! But does that stop anyone? Of course not! I live in America, where we have the privilege of saying what we wish to say no matter how dumb it maybe, and nobody has the right to stop it because it is written within our rights. And so yes, I am not qualified, but do you really have to be qualified to state an OPINION about a MANGA? I do hope not. And I do hope that you wouldn't think anybody would need to be qualified to do so.

    0.0 January 10, 2017 11:08 pm
    Well, I'm sure there is a deeper meaning somewhere, which I'm not going to go through the pain of saying because it takes too long. I meerly stated my own biased opinion of what I thought about the surface of t... MidnightWorld

    So basically you're implying that your opinion is irrelevant since its only based on the surface of this manga.

    MidnightWorld January 10, 2017 11:20 pm
    So basically you're implying that your opinion is irrelevant since its only based on the surface of this manga. @0.0

    Nope, it lacks other details, yes, but it isn't irrelevant. Well depends on who reads it, if it's irrelevant to you, you can just ignore it!

    MidnightWorld January 10, 2017 11:35 pm
    So basically you're implying that your opinion is irrelevant since its only based on the surface of this manga. @0.0

    Ah, I sort of included this in the huge message I wrote but...I kinda already mentioned that "I live in America, where we have the privilege of saying what we wish to say no matter how dumb it maybe, and nobody has the right to stop it because it is written within our rights". So.....your statement of my message somehow inferring that I think my opinion is irrelevant, and I'm assuming you mean irrelevant as in it's not worthy to be said, is very much contradictory....don't ya think?

    Anonymous January 11, 2017 6:39 am
    Ah, I sort of included this in the huge message I wrote but...I kinda already mentioned that "I live in America, where we have the privilege of saying what we wish to say no matter how dumb it maybe... MidnightWorld

    Irrelevant as in it doesn't count/ baseless. It has nothing to do with worth. You basically said 'looking at it from the surface, this manga is damn annoying' (paraphrased). Its kinda like saying the cover of this book/novel is crappy. I think we are over the phase of judging a book by its cover?

    Anonymous January 11, 2017 6:52 am
    Nope, it lacks other details, yes, but it isn't irrelevant. Well depends on who reads it, if it's irrelevant to you, you can just ignore it! MidnightWorld

    Hon, it is your own words: 'my biased opinion' in your review of this manga is not impartial and thusly voided.

    MidnightWorld January 11, 2017 10:31 pm
    Hon, it is your own words: 'my biased opinion' in your review of this manga is not impartial and thusly voided. @Anonymous

    Ok, make an opinion. It's pretty much going to be biased as long as there is another side and as long as you're human. My opinion, is my opinion. Did I like offend you with it? If someone were to constantly tell you to shut up because of your imperfect opinion would you just deal with it? I am JUST saying my opinion. An opinion on a MANGA SITE. I don't like how you are making such a big deal out of it. If you disagree, disagree. That's all. If something bring up something irrelevant, are you supposed to bash them for it? It's a fucking opinion. A POINT OF VIEW FROM ANOTHER PERSON. If you think it's irrelevant, then think it's irrelevant and ignore it. This is not an essay.

    MidnightWorld January 11, 2017 11:00 pm
    Irrelevant as in it doesn't count/ baseless. It has nothing to do with worth. You basically said 'looking at it from the surface, this manga is damn annoying' (paraphrased). Its kinda like saying the cover of t... @Anonymous' opinion..."a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge" (got this from Google). Like...if you think my words are irrelevant, that is your opinion. Can I not say my opinion? Also, people still do judge books based on their cover. I mean, I like to read manga that have good art style because it enhances the story. If the cover of a manga doesn't have a lot of details to the point where you can't even tell if they are kicking or just walking, then I would not have a good time enjoying it. Wait, got off topic for a moment. But seriously, I wrote it on a manga was basically a joke. I said "Rou just needs to chill out for a second. I mean, it's cool and all being the madona of the yaoi world, but tone it down a bit would ya?" Does this sound like it's meant to be taken seriously? You keep on saying my statement is irrelevant because it lacks depth, like it doesn't really cover entirely of what is truely happening in the manga. Yes, it does lack depth. BECAUSE IT IS FROM MY POINT OF VIEW. I DECIDED TO PUT MY THOUGHTS OF THE CERTAIN ASPECTS OF THIS MANGA INTO A STATEMENT THAT PEOPLE KEEP ON FORCING TO BE LIKE A IMPORTANT MESSAGE. I really don't understand why you think messages for manga on a site must have to be supported by facts and evidence. I'm not trying to makes people agree with me! IM MERELY , (seriously, if you don't get my message then just please stop replying) STATING AN OPINION! AND OPINIONS ABOUT A MANGA DO NOT HAVE TO "count"! THEY CAN BE "baseless" IN CASE YOU HAVE NOT NOTICED.

    Sachiko January 17, 2017 4:03 am' opinion..."a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge" (got this from Google). Like...if you think my words are irrelevant, that is your opinion. Can I... MidnightWorld

    Um, no. what you said did NOT sound like a joke. And you did not make that distinction until AFTER everyone expressed their OWN opinion (what, only you are allowed to express an opinion? If so, best not to express an opinion ON A PUBLIC FORUM, next time) of your opinion. Also, some people cannot understand the difference between jokes and sarcasm and seriousness because of a learning disability, such as I myself have. Mmkay? Much hypocrisy throughout your post as you can see. And, no, Kou does not have to stop acting like the Madonna, because that's his personality. So, if YOU want people to stop replying to YOUR POST then there is a simple solution. Just stop replying.

    MidnightWorld January 17, 2017 7:54 am
    Um, no. what you said did NOT sound like a joke. And you did not make that distinction until AFTER everyone expressed their OWN opinion (what, only you are allowed to express an opinion? If so, best not to exp... Sachiko

    Well first, I am dearly sorry, I didn't realize you were unable to realize my comment was a joke. Also, I didn't realize I needed to limit myself to say my opinion on a public form, I will take note of that. Also, that madonna part was a joke in case I need to make myself clear. What I meant was Rou well, getting a harem, and becoming a total guy attractor so I was joking saying for him to "calm down" becuase well, it's a joke in any case. Also, I cannot stop replying because unfortunately I'm a stubborn little shit so my condolences.