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Comment Section

SunshineLight February 17, 2024 11:01 pm

Yo what is going on here in Jinx's comment section. Why is it flooded with "trolls" or whatever. I just thought y'all would be arguing about the story or just pile on about how shitty the ML is (which I agree with). This story is not interesting enough for this much traction and if a lot of y'all truly hate this story you really gotta stop hate reading this and read stuff that won't increase your blood pressure

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:05 pm

    They are impersonating the real users for them to quit being here. Trolls are whining because the real users are standing up to them. The trolls can’t attack others.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:07 pm
    This is the real user explaining the problem

    I agree with you.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:09 pm

    It is a fight against making this a fascist page (Trolls/haters) where only one opinion is accepted or tolerated vs a safe environment where all opinions are welcomed (us).
    We should never engage with these individuals on a POV vs POV battle due to them being unreasonable and being abusive. They will gaslight you like crazy.

    We have always stood against the fascists saying "See rape or be a rape apologist needing professional help" due to they think the other is ignoring the rape that they see. They can see rape but stop attacking those who are aligned with the story better. If we reverse it no one is calling them a rapist for adding rape to this story. The times we used it were just reversed psychology and normally a question to get them to see what they are doing to us. No, they just think we are calling them a rapist and lash out. Some have lashed out by creating about 6 accounts to impersonate us.
    We treated them as readers and tried to work it out to where they made TM, another reader, and someone part of the fandom, a joke.

    They say I have to make anyone a Jaekyung stan and attack them. They say I always go against the story and make up my own details. This in itself says they think they know they are righg and are just here to attack me and my other accounts to make this a fascist place. If you are a Jaekyung stan, that is okay. Attacking someone being a Jaekyung stan is wrong. Making people a Jaekyung stan to attack them is very telling. That's what they say I do but ok.

    We are saying it is sexual assault, sexual coercion, sexual abuse, and abuse. I have many comments saying Jinx is non-con but absolutely NOT rape. They make it where we have seen none of that because we rarely say it. This shows there are multiple POVs and how unreasonable they think I am.

    I have stayed here to step in when the fascists attack others then they make it a POV vs POV. They have not made other readers characters in the book to attack but dogpile on me. I feel like they have made their attacks on someone as if it was Jinx. Some of them are toxic and violent.

    Now my friends and I hit celebrity status and our adoring fans, they love my friends and me so much that they make about 6 accounts to be my friends and me. They love it when you don't give them attention. I feel so special and loved. I try not engaging with them.
    Boy, the trolls...I mean fans.. love me. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
    Maybe we can throw a stick?

    If we stop like they want us to you they will wait until I come back with another account because I have the same speech pattern. They will go after me and keep this a fascist page. If you stand up to them in the wrong ways, they will ignore you and attack me harder. Forgive us for trying to reason and treat trolls/cyberbullies as human beings who can change their behaviors. We are going to still step in but we are going to ignore their rants and spewing garbage until they can treat others with respect and stop making this a fascist place. We did value their opinions now we don't. Call us rape apologist but truth hurts. If you want to call anyone a rapist it's Dan for abusing Jaekyung's drunken vulnerable state.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:10 pm

    But I don't whine. I only reply and stand up for myself. No matter how many times I need to comment. Stand against cyber bullying.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:13 pm

    The third and fourth are trolls.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:17 pm

    First two and above are trolls. The troll's account was made today.

    BelovedRose February 17, 2024 11:18 pm

    All above are trolls. He is currently in the hospital so it is impossible for him to be messaging right now.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:25 pm

    I can vouch for that. He told me he needed to go there again. Plus his dad has cancer again too. He can't read the next couple of chapters not because he can't afford them but because Dan's situation hits close to him expect when Dan raped Jaekyung. Truth hurts but you need a deeper understanding of the story to fully grasp jinx.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:25 pm

    home except*

    levipleasecallmeback February 17, 2024 11:26 pm

    THEYRE AN INSANE PERSON??? the lore behind this is crazy and now they’re tweaking in the comments again. months ago they argued with hundreds of people calling jae a rapist and were defending his actions. when they got messaged back, this very same user said people were cyberbullying him even though he went out of his way to comment on other posts/harass users for hating jae. just ignore them, i was barely able to put the puzzle pieces together after looking at their accounts

    he’s also been spreading lies about users just to bother people?? this person make new users and only comments on jinx to defend jae, victimize themselves, and harass users!!!

    BelovedRose February 17, 2024 11:28 pm

    above is TROLL. This troll is defaming me. They are a rape apologist.

    BelovedRose February 17, 2024 11:28 pm
    I can vouch for that. He told me he needed to go there again. Plus his dad has cancer again too. He can't read the next couple of chapters not because he can't afford them but because Dan's situation hits close... Empowered Guardian

    Correct. He also loves little boys.

    Empowered Guardian February 17, 2024 11:31 pm

    He tried to seduce a troll who gave him attention. Personally I think he was joking and playing the part awfully well. He's a good person. He'll never talk to people 20 years younger than him. That's why he doesn't engage with the trolls. Anymore starting now.

    levipleasecallmeback February 17, 2024 11:33 pm

    do you see what i mean… both users are the same person. but they’ve been commenting this disgusting stuff in order to finally get their revenge or whatnot on people who confronted them

    both, and all users associated with them, have no content except for commenting on jinx and are newly made accounts. the lies he’s spreading are only to somehow make themselves feel better because this comment section hates them

    levipleasecallmeback February 17, 2024 11:35 pm

    here’s the lore if you’re interested. sorry for blowing up your comment section too, i just don’t want you to be a victim of them as well as they’ve already targeted you and other people who haven’t engaged with them before

    BelovedRose February 17, 2024 11:41 pm

    i love this lore sm i read it as a bedtime story. I am 100% not torakaze. do not read my bio.

    Morning diamonds (Empowered G) February 17, 2024 11:43 pm

    Here is another, he calmed down after this month's drama that we actually weren't even part of prior, but he STILL looks for disagreements UNSOLICITEDLY as late as today. He will always be a pest in here. He stays because he wants to, but the rejection of his ugly truth spilled on him is sad. to even people who are 100% alligned with his twisted view on rape SA and everything else, he will pick quarrels with them

    SunshineLight February 18, 2024 12:12 am
    here’s the lore if you’re interested. sorry for blowing up your comment section too, i just don’t want you to be a victim of them as well as they’ve already targeted you and other people who haven’t e... levipleasecallmeback

    All's good
    Was not expecting this when I decided to make this comment. Much appreciated with trying to give the run down

    Empowered Guardian February 18, 2024 12:13 am
    All's goodWas not expecting this when I decided to make this comment. Much appreciated with trying to give the run down SunshineLight

    Believing a troll and gaslighting?

    Empowered Guardian February 18, 2024 12:18 am
    All's goodWas not expecting this when I decided to make this comment. Much appreciated with trying to give the run down SunshineLight

    Levi and his, are gaslighting you.