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at this point I can't agree with the translators I can't find it in me to find the princes...

CutieBoi February 18, 2024 5:57 am

at this point I can't agree with the translators
I can't find it in me to find the princess annoying, she already has queen behavior and I have nothing but respect for herლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Superhappy5467 February 18, 2024 6:22 pm

    Yeah, same for me

    helvetica February 18, 2024 9:17 pm

    Honestly, better than the girls who lost themselves in their love for Lloyd. Like, she knows she’s worth it and that if they were to be in a relationship, they would need to be on equal footing.

    It’s similar to mc’s, her sister’s, and brights relationship imo. Like, I don’t like bright at all, but compared to the relationship he had with mc, where she was almost like worshipping him and there was a clear imbalance of power in their relationship(him being seen as a savior) his relationship with the sister was more natural and balanced(them bantering with each other). Like, I don’t like them together, but I also would not want him together with mc, as a relationship where one person is hopelessly in love with the other and the other person just passively receives love is not an actual relationship.

    The princess clearly knows where she wants to stand in any possible relationship and won’t be caught dead becoming someone who gets lost and hurt by herself in a relationship