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Hi! I'm looking for this BL. I don't remember much but I think it was historical and has a...

nobodybruh February 18, 2024 6:31 am

Hi! I'm looking for this BL. I don't remember much but I think it was historical and has a bit of martial arts vibes BL. What I clearly remember is there was a particular scene that they need to enter a place (I think it's a gambling place of the sort) to investigate (?) or something. Then they need to wager or make their most precious items as a mortgage. Like when they have no longer money and can't pay their precious item will be taken away. So there was this bowl made of stone that when you put your prescious Item it will light up depending on how precious it is for you. The ML casually put a sacred sword but the bowl did not lit up which shocked the people but when the MC accidentally touch the bowl the bowl lit up that it crack a little. Meaning he is so precious to ML so he became the mortgage of the ML or something. It's a comedy BL and I think it also involves reincarnation. I think MC is the reincarnation of MLs lover in the past
