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Baz February 18, 2024 6:47 am

I don't know how to read Korean, but according to what I could get with the RAWS, this confession won't be successful, the one with light hair gives another cold shoulder to the one with dark hair (And by their body expressions their talk gets tense).

The dark-haired one gets disappointed and sad at not having his feelings reciprocated after confessing (and probably after their tense talk). Even though he starts to sleep somewhere else (their red hair friend'room) after their fight, he gets even more obsessed with new tactics to win the other guy over.

He stops to stalk him a little and starts to find a perfect place for the light-haired guy to live while interning(I found this part funny even though I didn't understand what was written).

There is a more detailed flashback to the past of the light-haired one too and why he doesn't accept the dark haired one's feelings. He has good reasons.

The one with light hair also goes through a family problem that leaves him crying and sad (His mom is hospitalised). After seeing him like that, the one with dark hair who calms him, and it was only then that they start to get closer.

This is everything till Chap 59.
