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ThingOfEvil February 18, 2024 3:53 pm

...For Liam s backstory but hell, i didn't expect this.
All throughout the story we understand that he has some kind of tragic background but ffs i never imagined something that dramatic and traumatic.
It was worth the wait and the story ends up being very wholesome, even with the interspecies sex that still makes me uncomfortable. But it was certainly more acceptable than Liam's experience, fuck what a way to come back to life urghhhh.

The translation is good, the art is pretty and the characters very endearing, be it the sweet sweet monster, the slutty slutty beast or occasional side characters, and this book just made me hate humanity even more.
Did you notice that everytime Liam's pursuers caught up, it was thanks to a #!@& human unnecessarily yapping their trap? Every time i couldn't help shouting OMG SHUT THE FCK UP WILL YA!!!

I liked this story. Very much.
