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What's with all the hate towards the dude? Anyone would be disgusted if a person would f...

hey Hey HEEYYYY February 19, 2024 2:16 am

What's with all the hate towards the dude?

Anyone would be disgusted if a person would forcefully do any immoral means just to be with you. That's a toxic relationship right there and it's no different from someone threatening to $uicide if you break up with them. It gives me shivers, the "in-game" her needs some help

    Ash February 19, 2024 6:51 am

    I agree with that but he knows that she has a toxic personality did not help with the raising of the villainess daughter if he played an active part in his childs life instead of ignoring her for the other family he created things could have turned out differently plus he had a choice in the matter he was with both of the women

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon February 21, 2024 9:36 pm

    No the hate is what he did to his daughter. He only loved his love child and took care of and spent time with her only and not with his first child. That's where the gate is coming from. Tbh imo if someone is capable of that I would avoid them.

    Marceline March 2, 2024 5:47 pm
    No the hate is what he did to his daughter. He only loved his love child and took care of and spent time with her only and not with his first child. That's where the gate is coming from. Tbh imo if someone is c... Kawaiineko❤namjoon

    No I see a lot of people hating him for what he did to the original violet as well which is weird to me being the original violet was horrible. Tbh the original violet and the dude both messed up their child. Theo was physically and mentally neglecting her and violet was mentally neglecting her