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To the people who call this paedophilia, it wouldn't be classed as such by psychological s...

Sugarhoneyicedtea February 19, 2024 1:26 pm

To the people who call this paedophilia, it wouldn't be classed as such by psychological standards. He's not attracted to Isami because he's a child. He's attracted to the fact Isami is lonely and needs him (not specifically him but you get what I mean). He's attracted to the similarities between them, the same reason Isami is attracted to him. Yes, they kiss before he's an adult (one Isami initiated) but he rejected and rebuffed Isami constantly. They only got together after Isami had graduated high school and was in college, so by all these points, it doesn't fit the definition of paedophilia. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

    Loonarloon February 19, 2024 5:33 pm

    Dude jacked off to him as a child and also was attracted to him when he was a child, that's pedophila, even if isami initiated it all he was a CHILD so as such its criminal,

    Sugarhoneyicedtea February 19, 2024 11:07 pm
    Dude jacked off to him as a child and also was attracted to him when he was a child, that's pedophila, even if isami initiated it all he was a CHILD so as such its criminal, Loonarloon

    Paedophilia is classed as being sexually attracted to children. He isn't sexually attracted to children. I'm not saying what he did wasn't wrong, it absolutely was, but it wouldn't be classed as paedophilia.