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Why again?....

Kian01 February 19, 2024 6:52 pm

I know this one has a really good storyline and art but this is already the 2nd BL that I've read with the main characters never said "I LOVE YOU" to eachother. I don't know why, even if they say action speaks louder than words, I still feel that the whole BL story wouldn't be complete if both main characters didn't express and speak their love for eachother in the story. I know some people might think it's cliché, but for me one I LOVE YOU really do magic for the whole story. I mean saying ILY during sex is not it, and always saying the word ILY kill the meaning of it, but 'one' I LOVE YOU from eachother comes from a very heartwarming conversation really do the magic for the whole BOYS LOVE story.
