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My theory

kay February 20, 2024 4:06 am

I have two different ideas right now... I think Issac is NOT Noah I feel very strongly about that and if I'm wrong I'll be upset. But my first theory is that Issac has some connection to Noah and is trying to find him through Finn which would explain the stalking and photos of her. My second theory is a stretch, but Noah is like a second part of Finn that she doesn't know about like DID. Though this doesn't explain why Issac wants Noah to 'show himself' I think it's possible and that there would be more of a story to uncover with that theory. Also talking about the title I feel like it can go both ways, they are both psychopaths and they are dating. I lied I have one more mini theory, I feel like Issac and Noah could be brothers I mean they just look so alike.. maybe even twins, who knows???
