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amazing *chefs kiss*

ehh February 21, 2024 3:17 am

from a young age, if unchanged or unaddressed, people's morals and values will stay permanent and that's why i kind of understand seme's philosophy. when someone, especially someone that you admire, announces their beliefs, naturally, as a child that is easily influenced and molded, would listen to them wholeheartedly. you can tell seme's father means so much to him, and doesn't want to disappoint him. it's realistic. seme doesn't change overnight, and literally has an existential crisis, relearning what is "right" and what is "wrong" to him.

by the end of the manga, both characters have grown and not just drastically changed. their lifestyle hasn't changed, they're mornings the same (with added spice). they realize their mistakes, how they could've improved, and healed together.


    mel March 2, 2024 4:53 pm
