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I can't find this one smut

CuriousGumWad February 21, 2024 1:07 pm

Can't find this one smutty straight fullcolor manhwa. The whole premise is that the guy is into streaming and one day when house hunting he's apparently streaming on his phone and the realtor (female) shows him some houses and his chat tells him to grope her boobs and he tries. She then kicks him so hard the house collapses from the impact. She is then fired because she hit her boss with an ash tray (I think her name was hyuna..?). She then goes to the main dudes hosue and tells him she'll be his manager for streaming and that he has to take responsibility because it's his fault she got fired. First smut scene involves her having to cover her coochie with a mic while trying to turn off the stream. Other girl has big tits, short hair, blue eyes and is a sex addict and I'm pretty sure. Other chick has orange hair, yellow eyes and is a tsundere. Guy has an ex that gets mentioned sometimes. Didn't finish it.
